The Alliance Clinic is open during regular hours of operation.
If you have any respiratory symptoms, the BC Ministry of Health has developed a COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool to help you determine whether you need further assessment or testing for COVID-19.
Government of Canada Corona Information Line: 1-833-784-4397
COVID-19 Workplace Safety Plan
IMPORTANT: If you have provided care or have close contact with a person with COVID-19 (probable or confirmed) while they were ill (cough, fever, sneezing, or sore throat) or if you have had close contact with a person who travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days who has become ill (cough, fever, sneezing, or sore throat) – PLEASE CALL ALLIANCE CLINIC BEFORE COMING IN 604-582-5826. We will extend your prescription by phone.
About Us
The Alliance Clinic physicians together have over 25 years of experience managing patients struggling with addiction disorders in detox facilities, hospital inpatient units, recovery homes and other sites. Qualifications include board certification from the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) and certification from the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine (CSAM).
Dr. Alan Brookstone Inc.*
Dr. E. Maire Durnin-Goodman MD Inc.*
Dr. John Koehn
Dr. Jenny Melamed
Dr. Kathryn Porter
(* Professional Corporation)
Bridget Barnes (Medical Office Assistant)
Chrystal Virk (Medical Office Assistant)
Eva Sokol (Medical Office Assistant)
Jordana Jackson (Counselor)